Marc Galitskii



I have obtained my BSc in Psychology & Neuroscience at Maastricht University. I wrote my final thesis on the relationship between the ability to perceive dynamic visual illusions by using recurrent connections in neural networks. This led me to my MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. There I am currently learning the fundamentals of building & working with neural networks. I am highly motivated about my field of study, because I have the unique perspective of having worked with biological neural models - humans. I hope to apply my skills from my BSc in my MSc, and combine both experiences to create a unique type of specialization, where I can take into account the technical as well as human aspects of creating & deploying Artificial Intelligence solutions.

Research Interests

  1. Neuroscience
    1. Neuroeconomics
    2. Connectionism
    3. Computational Modelling
    4. Quantum Mechanics
  2. Artificial Intelligence
    1. Visualization
    2. Explainability
    3. Human-Machine Interaction
  3. Consciousness


  1. Leadership
  2. Flexibility
  3. Curiosity
  4. Literacy
  5. Dedication


  1. Coding: Python, Java, C#, Julia, HTML5, LaTeX
  2. Software: Word, EndNote, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, github, VSCode, Jupyter/Colab, Outlook, SPSS
  3. Academic: designing & performing experimental research, psychometrics, statistical analysis, distilling information, reading & writing papers, presenting


I envision a world where humans work alongside autonomous machines. Menial jobs will be replaced and new jobs will be created. Managing algorithms will become a discipline of the future and teaching people in laymans terms how these operate, will be of insurmountable value. To accomplish this, we must find ways to transform complicated & abstract academic knowledge into easy-to-understand words & concepts. This I put forth as my mission: explaining difficult concepts in simple and engaging ways, teaching new generations how to responsibly use & create artificial intelligence.